Support and Recovery Groups begin January 13th

 Mondays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  Doors open at 6:15 pm
What is G4?
G4 is a peer-led, group-based counseling ministry that is built around two nine-step models of change. G4 provides a context for participants to invest a season of their life overcoming a life-dominating struggle of sin or suffering. With the support of their fellow group members, G4 participants work through a biblically based curriculum focused on their primary life struggle.
What does G4 stand for?
G is for gospel-centered groups. Rather than making an issue, struggle, or sin the centerpiece of our groups, we strive to make the gospel of Christ the core of all our groups. Our identity is not found in an issue but in an individual — the person of Christ.

4 designates the four categories of groups offered:

  • Recovery: Groups for those struggling with a life-dominating sin, addiction, or traumatic life event.
  • Support: Groups for those needing encouragement and support during a period of suffering or hardship.
  • Therapeutic educational: Groups for those needing information and/or resources about a specific life issue.
  • Process: Groups for those needing help processing problematic emotions or multiple life stressors.
Please click the button below to be added to the G4 mailing list for updates and encouragement in your healing journey!
The G4 Topics we currently offer are below. If you have complicated struggles, or we don’t offer exactly what you’re looking for, the Anxiety/Depression or Trauma groups are a good place to start.

Group topics


Begin to feel freedom from the burden of anxiety or depression. This group helps individuals learn how the scripture can provide rest and reassurance that Christ is in control. 

Trauma (women only)

This group is for women who have found themselves suffering after a traumatic event in their life. No matter the nature of the trauma, we desire to show you the comfort and healing that can be offered through the power of the gospel. We seek to care through experience, understanding, and wisdom.

Men’s Purity (men only)

Whether you, you struggle with habitual pornography, or have walked through an affair, this group is designed with the help of community to point individuals away from sin and towards Christ. Learn truth, strategies, and experience grace as you pursue purity.

Marriage Betrayal, (women only)

For women who have felt the sting of sexual betrayal in marriage. This group is meant to help spouses heal from hurt of discovery that their husbands have been engaging in impure behavior, ranging from pornography through adultery. This group focuses on strengthening one’s relationship with Christ while learning tools to help overcome the pain and suffering of this specific experience.

There are two Kinds of Nine-Step Models in G4 Groups. 

We believe that the gospel speaks to both sin and suffering; the things we do wrong and the painful experiences for which we are not responsible. 

But we work through sin and suffering differently; Jesus offers forgiveness/freedom for sin and comfort/hope for suffering. 

We all need both because every person is both a sinner and a sufferer.


To read more about the G4 groups, read more from the author Brad Hambrick.

Started at Summit Church, North Carolina.

Two Kinds of Nine Steps in a G4 Group

Struggling with a life-dominating sin:

  1. Admit I have a struggle I cannot overcome without God.
  2. Acknowledge the breadth and impact of my sin.
  3. Understand the origin, motive, and history of my sin.
  4. Repent to God for how my sin replaced and misrepresented him.
  5. Confess to those affected for harm done, and seek to make amends.
  6. Restructure my life to rely on God’s grace and his Word to transform my life.
  7. Implement the new structure with humility and flexibility.
  8. Persevere in the new life and identity to which God has called me.
  9. Steward all of my life for God’s glory.


Struggling through a period of life-altering suffering:

  1. Prepare myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually to face my suffering.
  2. Acknowledge the specific history and realness of my suffering.
  3. Understand the impact of my suffering.
  4. Learn my suffering story, which I used to make sense of my experience.
  5. Mourn the wrongness of what happened, and receive God’s comfort.
  6. Learn my gospel story by which God gives meaning to my experience.
  7. Identify goals that allow me to combat the impact of my suffering.
  8. Persevere in the new life and identity to which God has called me.
  9. Steward all of my life for God’s glory.