On Sunday, June 11, Pastor Troy Walliser will begin a five part summer sermon series entitled Prayer Matters. During this series, we will journey the Gospel of Luke together, discovering the truths about the importance of  prayer. Pastor Troy will show us what the Bible says specifically in reference to Jesus’ prayer life. example He displayed for us and His instructions on prayer.
More information about this powerful new sermon series, see the Summer 2017 Newsletter.

Click HERE to view the Summer 2017 Newsletter.



As followers of Jesus, we know that prayer is essential and valuable for our relationship with Him.  We know we need to be praying more frequently, with more energy, and with greater persistence; but too often, we neglect this core component of our Christian walk. This summer, in conjunction with Pastor Troy’s sermon series Prayer Matters, we have assembled a 40-Day Prayer Guide that will aid and direct our prayer life – both as individuals and as a corporate body.
Our Elders, Staff, and various church members have written short entries that will help guide you to pray for certain aspects of our life in the body of Christ. Each day, there will be a scripture reference, along with a short note of encouragement or exhortation, and several items for you to be praying about.
Use this guide to pray individually, as a family, or with your D-Group or Small Group.  We anticipate the Holy Spirit to do great things in our midst as we, the corporate body of Christ, focus on praying for specific areas in our church’s life.  May the Lord work in and through his people here at LVBC!


Join us for this powerful 5-week sermon series!

June 11
The PRAISE of Prayer (Luke 10:17-24)
June 18
The PRIORITY of Prayer (Luke 10:38-42)
 June 25 The PATTERN of Prayer (Luke 11:7-13)
 July 2
The PERSISTENCY of Prayer (Luke 11:7-13)
 July 9
The POWER of Prayer (Luke 11:14-26)

Listen to the Latest Sermon

You can listen to the most recent sermon in this series by clicking HERE. Feel free to share these sermons with friends and family.